Wednesday, January 27, 2010


has been used to describe many concerns. It is a complex concept with it. The concept of "privacy" deserves to be carefully examined. It defies easy and many proposals to protect privacy have gone forward without a clear articulation of what privacy really is.

The right to privacy in Internet activity is a serious issue facing society. Some users of the 'net wish to shield their identities while participating in frank discussions of sensitive topics. Others fulfill fantasies and harmlessly role play under the cover of a false identity in chat rooms,But there are the eternal "bad apples," and on the Internet, they are the people who use anonymous servers as more than a way to avoid responsibility for controversial remarks. Cases of harassment and abuse have become increasingly frequent, aided by a cloak of anonymity. There are also problems with frauds and scam artists who elude law enforcement authorities through anonymous mailings and postings. Other users are concerned about the proliferation of information on the Internet. Databases of court records are now available for free over the World Wide Web.

While privacy is held up as one of our highest values, people also constantly share information about themselves by allowing others to see their faces, learn their names, learn what they own, and learn what they think. In fact, it is a desirable lack of privacy that allows people to interact with one another socially and in business. This does not mean that people should lose control over the information they want to keep private. It means that generalizations about privacy are almost always wrong.

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